Welcome to Cradle to Crayon School
I am pleased to welcome you to the Cradle to Crayon school website. Cradle to Crayon school prides itself on providing a motivating, engaging, friendly and supportive learning environment that encourages learners to reach their full potential. We hope you find the website informative and that it provides insight into our vibrant and exciting school community.Ms Cynthia Eubank (Order of the British Empire) - Head of School
At C2C, we believe that children are the future and there's no better time to prepare them than now!
Twins Day
Twins are special and share a unique bond and connection. It is this uniqueness we celebrate today
We are delighted to be able to offer our parents from both Cradletocrayon and our sister school - Springhall British School an opportunity to attend our parent workshops.
We nuture them
We are nurturing leaders of tomorrow. We have budding world leaders, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) experts, lawyers, architects, therapists and so much more.
Our talented boys and girls have just finished their parades and we can’t gosh about them enough, it was amazing! They all gave their best and we are so proud of them.
Christmas Celebration
On behalf of all our staff at C2C, we wish all our parents and children a happy and joyful Christmas