Cradle to Crayon School ensures that daily learning activities are planned to include every child while taking account of every child's needs and abilities. Inclusion classes are available for children with varying learning challenges and except in extreme cases of violence and threat to other members of the school, no child is excluded from learning at the school.As Part of the school's policy, teachers are trained periodically to cope with basic challenges in learners and where there is a need for professional assistance the school may provide referrals.
Cradle to Crayon School values high quality teaching and provision for all students. We aim to create a learning environment which is flexible enough to meet the needs of all members of our school community including those identified as SEND.
At Cradle to Crayon we believe in equal opportunities for all the children, irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, physical disabilities or ability. It is our belief that they should provide a learning environment that is motivating, exciting and caring, in order for a child to develop a sense of high self-esteem and academic achievement and to be able to fulfil their potential..
The philosophy of the department is to support students to gain the necessary skills that they require to become independent learners before they leave the school.